New in FM Starting Point version 4.1 is a sales followup system. This powerful addition gives users the ability to notate when they would like to next contact a person, as well as assign a specific staff to perform the followup. This new feature implements some of the latest cool features in FileMaker Pro 14.

FileMaker Sales Followup System in FM Starting Point 4.1 | FileMaker 14 Training

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Richard Carlton Consulting, Inc. provides customized database development services for business, government, and non-profit organizations. Our core competency is FileMaker Pro, where we hold FileMaker’s highest certifications. With a team of 27 staff, we are capable of deploying both small and large solutions for a wide variety of customers. We service all modern versions of FileMaker Pro, FileMaker Server, and FileMaker Go (for the iPad and iPhone). We also deploy FileMaker databases to the web, and offer PHP/Web Development, iOS Programming, FileMaker Server Support, and Hosting Services.

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The new InspectorPro 5 offers blazing fast analysis of your FileMaker solutions, with a host of new features that enables you to identify problems faster than ever before. You’ll have more time for other things and your users will be thrilled. How’s that for a win-win?

FileMaker 14 Videos | FileMaker Diagnostic Tool – Inspector Pro 5 – Review and Demo – 2015

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Richard Carlton Consulting, Inc. provides customized database development services for business, government, and non-profit organizations. Our core competency is FileMaker Pro, where we hold FileMaker’s highest certifications. With a team of 27 staff, we are capable of deploying both small and large solutions for a wide variety of customers. We service all modern versions of FileMaker Pro, FileMaker Server, and FileMaker Go (for the iPad and iPhone). We also deploy FileMaker databases to the web, and offer PHP/Web Development, iOS Programming, FileMaker Server Support, and Hosting Services.

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Looking “under the hood” at FileMaker’s starter solutions is a great way for beginning developers to learn how to develop a FileMaker database. The Invoice starter solution is actually built for intermediate to advanced developers. There are some complex features and functions under the hood that we will take a look at.

Destructive Testing – FMI’s Invoice Starter Solution – Part 1 | FileMaker 14 Training

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Richard Carlton Consulting, Inc. provides customized database development services for business, government, and non-profit organizations. Our core competency is FileMaker Pro, where we hold FileMaker’s highest certifications. With a team of 27 staff, we are capable of deploying both small and large solutions for a wide variety of customers. We service all modern versions of FileMaker Pro, FileMaker Server, and FileMaker Go (for the iPad and iPhone). We also deploy FileMaker databases to the web, and offer PHP/Web Development, iOS Programming, FileMaker Server Support, and Hosting Services.

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360Works has an amazing plugin called RemoteScripter. This allows a user to have FileMaker Server ask FileMaker Pro to run a script. It is very powerful and grants some heavily desired functionality to this awesome product.

RemoteScripter – Printing PDFs on a Server | FileMaker 14 Training

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Richard Carlton Consulting, Inc. provides customized database development services for business, government, and non-profit organizations. Our core competency is FileMaker Pro, where we hold FileMaker’s highest certifications. With a team of 27 staff, we are capable of deploying both small and large solutions for a wide variety of customers. We service all modern versions of FileMaker Pro, FileMaker Server, and FileMaker Go (for the iPad and iPhone). We also deploy FileMaker databases to the web, and offer PHP/Web Development, iOS Programming, FileMaker Server Support, and Hosting Services.

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FileMaker Inc. discusses the new functionality and power of the FileMaker 14 product line at their headquarters in Santa Clara, California.

Plus as a bonus, we have the demo “Grab Bag” FileMaker file …that you see used in the video. You can download on the FMSP marketplace website here:

FileMaker 14 Santa Clara User Group Meeting – May 14, 2015

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Looking “under the hood” at FileMaker’s starter solutions is a great way for beginning developers to learn how to develop a FileMaker database. There are also some unique ways on how to perform various functions.

FileMaker 14 Starter Solution: Content Management | FileMaker 14 Video Training

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Want to learn FileMaker Pro?

Richard Carlton Consulting, Inc. provides customized database development services for business, government, and non-profit organizations. Our core competency is FileMaker Pro, where we hold FileMaker’s highest certifications. With a team of 27 staff, we are capable of deploying both small and large solutions for a wide variety of customers. We service all modern versions of FileMaker Pro, FileMaker Server, and FileMaker Go (for the iPad and iPhone). We also deploy FileMaker databases to the web, and offer PHP/Web Development, iOS Programming, FileMaker Server Support, and Hosting Services.

Please feel free to contact us at

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Looking “under the hood” at FileMaker’s starter solutions is a great way for beginning developers to learn how to develop a FileMaker database. There are also some unique ways on how to perform various functions.

How does FileMaker’s Contact Starter Solution work? | FileMaker 14 Training

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Richard Carlton Consulting, Inc. provides customized database development services for business, government, and non-profit organizations. Our core competency is FileMaker Pro, where we hold FileMaker’s highest certifications. With a team of 27 staff, we are capable of deploying both small and large solutions for a wide variety of customers. We service all modern versions of FileMaker Pro, FileMaker Server, and FileMaker Go (for the iPad and iPhone). We also deploy FileMaker databases to the web, and offer PHP/Web Development, iOS Programming, FileMaker Server Support, and Hosting Services.

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Converting your database from a .fp7 format to a .fmp12 format is a snap! However, there are a few things to look out for when converting your file.

Additional Resources:

KB Conversion checklist (contains the list of what changes and pointers to the other KB articles on conversion):

Conversion step by step:

Conversion overview in FM12 help:

FileMaker 14 Training | Converting Old FileMaker Files to the .fmp12 Format

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Richard Carlton Consulting, Inc. provides customized database development services for business, government, and non-profit organizations. Our core competency is FileMaker Pro, where we hold FileMaker’s highest certifications. With a team of 27 staff, we are capable of deploying both small and large solutions for a wide variety of customers. We service all modern versions of FileMaker Pro, FileMaker Server, and FileMaker Go (for the iPad and iPhone). We also deploy FileMaker databases to the web, and offer PHP/Web Development, iOS Programming, FileMaker Server Support, and Hosting Services.

Please feel free to contact us at

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A quick look at the most recommended book for new and upcoming FileMaker developers – David Kachel’s White Paper for FMP Novices, highly recommended by Richard Carlton Consulting RCC.

The Most Recommended Book For FileMaker! | FileMaker 14 Video Training

Download this at:

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Richard Carlton Consulting, Inc. provides customized database development services for business, government, and non-profit organizations. Our core competency is FileMaker Pro, where we hold FileMaker’s highest certifications. With a team of 27 staff, we are capable of deploying both small and large solutions for a wide variety of customers. We service all modern versions of FileMaker Pro, FileMaker Server, and FileMaker Go (for the iPad and iPhone). We also deploy FileMaker databases to the web, and offer PHP/Web Development, iOS Programming, FileMaker Server Support, and Hosting Services.

Please feel free to contact us at

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Richard Carlton and Sam Barnum, of 360Works, discuss the latest version of the 360Works Email Plugin.

Sending HTML emails and SMS messages from FileMaker: 360Works Email Plugin | FileMaker 14 Training

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Richard Carlton Consulting, Inc. provides customized database development services for business, government, and non-profit organizations. Our core competency is FileMaker Pro, where we hold FileMaker’s highest certifications. With a team of 27 staff, we are capable of deploying both small and large solutions for a wide variety of customers. We service all modern versions of FileMaker Pro, FileMaker Server, and FileMaker Go (for the iPad and iPhone). We also deploy FileMaker databases to the web, and offer PHP/Web Development, iOS Programming, FileMaker Server Support, and Hosting Services.

Please feel free to contact us at

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