The layouts in FMSP are fully customizable and it is easy to do. Learn how edit in Layout mode in FileMaker and see how easy it is to modify a layout to best suit your needs.

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There is a new Maps feature in RCC’s FM Starting Point, our free FileMaker Template. Check out the intuitive UI, simplicity of use, and the functionality of Maps.

Download FM Starting Point for free:

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Remote containers make for smart and efficient document management. Learn how to set up remote containers properly and start using them today!

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FM Starting Point is an open source FileMaker solution that is completely available for you to customize. Learn how to make changes in Layout Mode in FileMaker to customize FMSP to fit your business needs.

Download free FileMaker template FM Starting Point:

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FM Starting Point has solid Contact and Account management modules. In this video learn how to get the most out of these featured modules and how these features can be related together.

Download free FileMaker template FM Starting Point:

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From contracts to notes, document management is important. This video covers how to get the most out of the containers in the Projects module.

Download the free FileMaker template FM Starting Point:

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FM Starting Point is setup by default (when you download a new copy) for “internal storage” of container data. This video talks about changing this setting to “external storage” or “remote containers” to improve performance for your database.

Download FM Starting Point for free:

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FileMaker Hosting is a great way to collaborate your FileMaker database with your fellow co-workers. Contact us for a quote!

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FM Starting Point: Getting Started

FM Starting Point is a free FileMaker solution filled with many modules such as Contacts, Accounts, Projects, Invoices, Estimates, Document management, etc.

Download it for free:

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This presentation at FileMaker’s 2010 developer’s conference is still one of the more highly relevant presentations for developers new to building solution on the iPhone or iPad. This video makes a great starting point for getting your head wrapped around interface design for mobile devices and introduces the concept of “directed workflow.”

Free DevCon Presentation Materials:
Free FM Go Training Tool:

Filemaker Go 11 was formerly known as FileMaker Go 1.0.

Richard Carlton Consulting, Inc. provides customized database development services for business, government, and non-profit organizations. Our core competency is FileMaker Pro, where we hold FileMaker’s highest certifications. With a team of 27 staff, we are capable of deploying both small and large solutions for a wide variety of customers. We service all modern versions of FileMaker Pro, FileMaker Server, and FileMaker Go (for the iPad and iPhone). We also deploy FileMaker databases to the web, and offer PHP/Web Development, iOS Programming, FileMaker Server Support, and Hosting Services.