Continuing our real world customer challenges series, Nick covers techniques that will save you from coding yourself into corners, and how you can support your debugging process. Check out the future live stream schedule at:
For this series, we tackle some real customer challenges Nick has dealt with in the past. For day 1, Nick shows how you can use lists of values to solve most of your problems, and the logic of his building processes. Check out the future live stream schedule at:
For day 3 of Multilingual Files, we cover how to import translated data from DeepL, and how to update your translated data when you create new fields. Check out the future live stream schedule at:
For Day 2 of our Multilingual Files, we discuss how to implement labels and messages, getting to each layout independently, and how to use DeepL APIs to translate your default language. Check out the future live stream schedule at:
This series of streams covers Multilingual files in FileMaker. On Day 1, we cover how FileMaker handles relationships coupled to multi-value fields. Check out the future live stream schedule at:
For this Open Q&A, we answered questions about FileMaker Cloud, cURL and JSON functions, and even had Christian Schmitz stop by to answer a few questions on the MBS plug-in! Check out the future live stream schedule at:
To finish our UI/UX for Advanced Developers series, we discuss how to build smart sub summaries and identical sorts for records and portals. Check out the future live stream schedule at:
Continuing our UI/UX for Advanced Developers series, for Day 14 we cover how to apply the Sort feature to both records and portals, and how to build smart buttons using titles as a reference. Check out the future live stream schedule at:
Pivot Tables are a method for summarizing and re-odering data laterally as opposed to vertically down a layout. Summarizing data into vertical columns is not a default capability in the FileMaker Platform. It has to be cleverly scripted. Check out the future live stream schedule at:
For Day 13 of our UI/UX for Advanced Developers series, Nick covers why making a feature to sort records is necessary, and how to create fields as building blocks for the sort feature. Check out the future live stream schedule at: