In this livestream, Claus Lavendt revists explaining SSL and the process of installing a custom SSL certificate on FMS, the basics and not least best practice. He also showed off a new hidden feature. Future live streams:
Bill returns for Day 3 of his credit cards and FileMaker series. In this Livestream we discuss FileMaker Go and Webdirect. Future live streams:
This livestream covers everything you need to know to start accepting credit cards in FileMaker. We discuss basic needs, simple changes, error handling, tokenization and subscriptions. Future live streams:
Day 2 of MrWatson showing us his toolbox. We converted FileMaker code to/from fmxml, changed code with search and replace, and deployed patched code to another machine. Future live streams:
MrWatson introduces us to his free toolbox for FileMaker developers. On Day 1 we took a close look at fmSyntaxColorizer to see how it – with the help of the MBS-Plugin – can help find bugs in your variables, highlight code smells and generally brighten up your code. Future live streams:
Let’s discuss what the main requirements of PCI compliance are as they pertain to small businesses. Let’s also chat about what must be done to ensure PCI compliance within FileMaker, as well as other technologies and platforms. Future live streams:
What is the actual cost of FileMaker solutions? In this livestream we discuss licensing costs, time investment, hiring developers, and the actual price of ‘FREE’. Future live streams:
This livestream is the beginning of a new UI/UX deep dive with Nick Hunter. In this one we discuss the ins and outs of building an item picker. Future live streams:
Calvin and Richard discuss their experiences at the Pause on Error conference. They briefly discuss lambda, third-party addon sites like PentagonFM, and more! Future live streams:
Day 2 of Nick’s UI-UX in-depth livestream. Nick continues to show you how to vastly improve FileMaker’s out of the box UI for item pickers. Future live streams: